Most people are still suffering from the effects of COVID 19. What many thought would be short-lived like the flu has developed into life changes that have become somewhat of the new normal. With 10 months in, many have learned to swim instead of sink, by converting their weaknesses
into strengths. Well, we can say this pandemic brought with it uncertainties that were out of control for many people, however, there are a group of people who decided that they would not sit back and suffer. No way!
If we look closely, you realize the pandemic has brought more opportunities than the natural eyes can see, untapped resources, markets, and audiences that you can tap into at your advantage. This was the backdrop for the
collaboration book project that JWG Publishing House made possible for 26 fighters, many of them, new authors who’ve never written before. Publisher in Chief, Dr. Joan Wright-Good a Storyteller herself knows the importance of storytelling for posterity. “History is the present
written for the future. This is HISTORY!
Ge your copy today!
2020 Lessons from Covid 19 - One Pandemic 26 Stories
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