We're not sure why you haven't written or published your book yet. There could be many reasons, you may not know:
- WHERE to start
- WHAT to write about or what to expect once you start
- FEARING what people may think or say
- MARKETING, that's not my thing, so how will my book sell....
If these are some of your realities, I want you to know, HELP is here!
TMark your calendar. October 6th, 7th, and 8th, marks the beginning of your PUBLISHING dream to success!!!! 7:00pm EST
For an investment of only $97 you can create a 6 figure business that stands on the back of your book.
Did you know it only takes $300 per day to make an income of $109,500 per year? YES! If you consult with 1 client per day and sell 1 book, you can make $300 per day.
Let's up the ante a little, if you can create a coaching program for $5,000 from your book, you only need 50 clients for the entire year to make a quarter of a million dollars - $250,000.00 in profit.
I teach these principles all the time, but, two people can be in the exact same coaching program, attend the same seminar and read the exact same book and everything about one person changes but nothing changes for the other person. Why does this happen? The answer is, 'because one missed the APPLICATION AND THE IMPLEMENTATION process.'
I want to invite you to join the same challenge where, Dr. Majidah Smith and Sharon Samms got their author start. I'm sure they can share with you how their journey started as authors, now entrepreneurs. If you attend and you actually apply the things that you learn, your life will never be the same again.
Enjoy 3 Days Of Strategic Teaching. During this 3-day challenge, you will learn the tools & systems used by publishing professionals & insiders worldwide to achieve documented success.
REGISTER NOW, seats are limited!